I have been fighting the urge to post this since my dad built me this amazing bookcase 2 weeks ago, but the wait is over! I’m excited about this post for two reasons:
1. My books finally have a home (and a rather nice one at that)
2. I really enjoy admiring other people’s book collections
So, the point of this post is not only to share my *babies* with you, but for you to do the same and spread the word. Let’s see how all of our collections compare. Let’s all drool together over the books other people have and we want. 😉
Without further ado, my bookcase.

Overall Bookcase, beautifully made my Dad.
(I’ve already warned him I’ll be needing another soon as this one is already almost full)
Bottom Shelf: Non-Fiction
2nd Shelf up from the bottom: Fiction
3rd Shelf up from the bottom: Fiction
Top Shelves: Fiction & Library book(s)
Now friends, post yours! Pretty please?
Peace – Sarah
P.S. I’m sure it was hard to miss my love for Winnie the Pooh. I’ve collected those globes since I was in middle school. I also have a strange love for toys in general, so yes, that is a custom made My Little Pony. Don’t laugh (well go ahead if you want to I guess), I’m just a big kid trapped in an aging body.
P.S.S. Coming Soon: A similar post showcasing my ridiculously enormous DVD collection, primarily for alice_vd 🙂