If I was still the person I used to be, or the person I became during a period of my life, I’d still be moping.…
The Good: All of my newest books (minus the pre-orders) have finally arrived! First to be read? Well I’ve already read CAPTIVATE, FANTASY LOVER, &…
For I am a book buying whore. There, I said it. The urge to buy books is always present, but man it feels like I…
(Because there were more than 5, which is usually the trend)* 1. I’ve read 2 Sherrilyn Kenyon books in 3 days time this week. The…
I was at work when I started writing this, really really bored. I was in one of those don’t-feel-like-working kind of moods today. Mainly because…
Initially this post was going to strictly be about my writing woes, but I realized during lunch today that reading “Infinity: Chronicles of Nick” is…
(Warning: Part of this was written while I was at work, the end was written around 9pm so it may not flow in the best…
So I’m back to that addictive nature in regards to new books, adding so many to my wish list it’s starting to get out of…