You wouldn’t believe how long ago I started this post. What’s that thing they say, about starting things right away when they hit you instead…
I didn’t read nearly enough in 2015; there just wasn’t enough time. Lots of people think I sound crazy when I say that because they’re…
At the end of May I found myself needing a break from this place. Sometimes it’s just too much, you know? Plus, I’d been obsessive…
Like everything else that suffered as a result of too much work in 2014, reading took the biggest back seat. For a moment there, I…
I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere between my teen years and adult years I lost the ability to be social. When it…
At the start of 2013, I made this list of resolutions. Eight things I wanted to accomplish this year. And so let’s check them off…. …
Last year I set a resolution to read 60 books. I’m not exactly sure why I decided that was a doable number, or why I…
I’ve seriously failed as a blogger lately. I wrote three blog this month and never even bothered to post them (or never found the time,…
It’s been over a month now since I’ve wandered over to LJ. Oops. My apologies for completely failing to blog last month (and keep up…
Really, I don't know how it's already September. If it weren't for my favorite season of the year beginning in September (which will included cooler…