Hey, Internet. Been a while, right? For me, it feels like it has been even longer than it’s actually been. The last couple of…
Christmas had a rocky start this year, with dad being in the hospital for a diverticulitis attack and Mom & I trying to figure out…
Can you believe this is the 7th year I’ve done Cookie-Thon? I guess it didn’t technically become a “Cookie-Thon” until about 5 years ago, but…
Since I started shooting this family, we’ve always done funny Christmas cards, but as the kids get older and the parents want themselves a part…
When “winging” it works! This turned out so much cuter than I was hoping for considering we literally threw the set together out of random…
Easily one of my favorite families to shoot because Luciano is always so full of character (he gets it honestly from both parents – lol)!…
December came so suddenly and passed so swiftly, it’s almost as if it didn’t really happen. I was SO busy. I know it seems like…
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(Click through the slideshow below!)
(Click through the slideshow below!)