I was bad this month and bought additional books outside of my pre-order allowance. At least two of those additional books were rather cheap novella's,…
There are some books I just must have on their release dates every year. Either they’re part of a series I’m in-love with or by…
Like so many of my goals this year, I even failed at meeting my reading goal. The only true thing I accomplished this year in…
I think back and still can’t believe the level of restraint I’ve shown in 2011 when it came to buying books in comparison to my…
I realize it’s been a super long time since I made a post that had to do with something other than music. I guess part…
Not only the books I’ve read, but the books I’ve acquired recently! Yeah, I know… you’re thinking – Sarah, you got like 37 books for…
For I am a book buying whore. There, I said it. The urge to buy books is always present, but man it feels like I…