Darn it girls… I’m supposed to be writing and look how easily you’ve distracted me with this?!? (Just joking :P)
Anyway, apparently I write like the following people. I ran a ton of tests (probably more than I should have, but it was quite interesting). I got J.K. Rowling and Dan Brown the most (overwhelmingly so which surprised me considering what they’ve written) and I have to admit I’ve never read anything by either of them. Actually I’ve never read anything by any of these people, some of them I’ve never even heard of (but remember I’m a fairly new reading fan – still playing catch up). I’m not sure if it’s a good thing that one book can be written like so many different people or what?
This was fun and oddly motivating, if that’s even possible. Thanks friends 😉
Now I MUST write!
Peace – Sarah