I went to bed at 9:30 last night. On a Friday night. Weird, right?
I usually have to fight myself to get in bed before midnight, but somehow sleep summoned me last night ridiculously early. I woke up exactly 12 hours later (earlier on a Saturday than normal) feeling more rejuvenated than I have in a LONG time. I spent the first hour I was awake just pacing in front of my new bookcase* so full of energy I didn’t know what to do with myself. Now that I’ve done some laundry, eaten breakfast, and caught up on the web world I plan to attack my novel with absolute certainty.
For the past two days I’ve re-written the same chapter like six times, none of the versions really rubbing me the right way. But just before I went to bed last night a new endearing version of the scene presented itself to me and I think it will be perfect. Mission #1 today – rewrite the scene! Mission #2+ will just be to continue writing. I feel like I’ve wasted some time this week with rewriting as much as I have, but I did at least write everyday which is more than I can usually say. Sucks the overall word count in the end won’t be as amazing as the number I’d actually written, but it’s still something.
Also, last night I created the image below in paint. I’m trying to con my fiance into making me an icon I can use when I post about my book, but he’s been busy with other web related stuff. So I fiddled with paint and made this in the meantime. This is who I imagine as Teagan (Aly Michalka) although Teagan’s eyes are very different than Aly’s. And this line is from this weeks major turning point in the story.

Alright, off to novel land. Hope you all enjoy your weekend 🙂
Peace – Sarah
new bookcase* – My dad built me a home for my books and I’m ridiculously ecstatic about it, they look so pretty on display. I will be making a post in the near future about the awesomeness of bookcases with pictures and I hope all my reader/writer friends will participate in sharing pictures of theirs too! Get ready 😉