Something's been on my mind a lot lately, in regards to my photography efforts. See, I study it lots. I practice it a lot, too. But the more and more I read, the more I see a trend in these beautiful pictures not just being beautiful because they were shot perfectly, but because they've been edited in photoshop or some other photo editing program. And, honestly, this bothers me.
I rarely ever edit my photos. I might invert the photo to black and white, or add a blur effect in Instagram when I upload it there, but my photos are almost always raw and I prefer them that way. I don't even have photoshop or some sort of editing software to tamper with an image if I wanted to.
And I think that's what makes a good photographer. Not the editing software they play with after the shoot, but the raw photos they capture in the purest forms of their camera's ability. I mean, back in the day, these editing software's didn't even exist and yet we found photos by great photographers magnificent.
Am I alone in the theory that a good photographer doesn't need software to enhance their ability?
Also, as a bonus, and because it's what spawned this post, today I did a photoshoot with my nephew, Gideon, for his 1st Birthday Party Invitations. Can you guys believe it's already been a year? I can't!