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Tuesday – Dinner with the family at PF Changs. Got to see my sister & her boyfriend for the first time in a while which was nice and there was the usual embarrassment/comedy of my father and grandfather taunting the waitress. It was quite fun. Also tried Red Velvet Cake for the first time – Yum!

Wednesday – Arctic Monkeys Concert at Ram’s Head Live with my mom. Ram’s Head Live was a really nice venue. It used to be BAR of Baltimore and The Improv Comedy Club side by side. I’d been to both of them, but never Ram’s Head as a whole. It was hard to imagine it the way it used to be.

The opening band was Sleepy Sun and for some reason I never have much faith in opening bands, but Sleepy Sun was REALLY good. Like 70’s Psychedelic rock good, and go figure they’re from San Fran. Mom really enjoyed them too. She was sitting down for a little bit while I watched against the railing. She was text messaging me to make sure I was okay with her sitting down for a minute (being the good mother that she is). Then the following text messages went something like this.

ME: That song was good, but that girl dances like she’s on drugs.
MOM: That’s EXACTLY what I was going to say. Very good, but she looks like she’s on acid.
(I laugh out loud and the girl next to me tries to read my phone)
ME: LOL. Prolly is.
(Some girl and her boyfriend try to creep up on my spot against the railing, but I hold my ground.)
MOM: Don’t let those people push you out. I’ll come down and whip some butt.
ME: LOL. I’m fine mom – you’re cracking me up with these messages.
MOM: I know I’m soooo COOL 🙂

She is too funny.

So then Arctic Monkeys came on and WOW. I was so excited to be there for my birthday! The instruments were a little too loud unfortunately over Alex Turner’s voice, but it was still great and they even played more older songs than I would have expected which makes me happy because I like the old fast stuff. You weren’t supposed to bring a camera in so taking my Canon Rebel XTS was out of the question. And mom panicked about me sneaking my Nikon Coolpix L6 in. She said, “You’re just like your dad, always breaking the rules.” Kind of funny considering I was the goody to shoo child – lol. In the end they didn’t even check bags and everyone and their brother had a camera or their phone in the air. I’m not sure what the point of even saying No Cameras was. Anyway, the pictures are terrible, but you can view them HERE.

Thursday – My Actual Birthday. Heath and I went to see Clash of the Titans in 3D – which was very good, but I wasn’t sure what the point of seeing it in 3D was. All of the action scenes happened too fast for you to get the 3D effect and there really wasn’t anything else jumping out of the screen aside from that. Regardless it was a very good movie and my day as a whole was very relaxing 🙂

Gifts – So I’ve already talked about the gifts I received this year several times because they were books and I couldn’t help myself. But I did get a few other things such as a pretty new box to store my writing stuff in (which is a huge upgrade from the COPY paper box I was using), my aunt gave me some really pretty Tulips, and the girls at work got me some balloons!

Isn’t that just the coolest bookmark? Gives me ideas for the publication of my book one day 🙂

Sorry for all of the pictures, I was in a picture kind of mood.

Peace – Sarah
