I hope everyone enjoyed their three day holiday weekend (readers in the US that is). Here’s how I spent my extended weekend…
Heath and I went to Rita’s for the fourth time this week. I realize this is an unhealthy addition to my attempt at losing weight, but they are so irresistible and when there is one within walking distance of your house and the weather is pushing 90, it’s quite hard to tell yourself no. If you’ve never had a Rita’s Ice (like me who apparently lived under a rock until just a short time ago), I urge you to find one and buy a Mango Gelati. It is seriously rich in taste in an unexpected way, like a freezing flavor explosion happening in your mouth.
We watched the movie “The Road” which was very good and eerie in tone considering apocalypse discussion is at its peak these days. The movies’ ending was not enough for me, but it just seems this is the case with me these days. It’s happened with the last five books I read. It’s not that they are bad endings, just not what I wanted I suppose.
On the same lines of the apocalypse, I finished Carrie Ryan’s “The Forest of Hands and Teeth” this weekend too. The book was intense and adventurous with a dash of love. I enjoyed the innocence of the characters and their ignorance about everything before the Return, about a world outside of theirs. It really was great. And while the ending wasn’t enough for me I was at least satisfied with it and look forward to reading book two – “The Dead-Tossed Waves.”
Imagine the dreams I had this weekend with the mixture of “The Road” and “The Forest of Hands and Teeth.” Yeah, they were crazy and of course spawned all sorts of ideas, like I need anymore of those.
My mom and I finally did my gardens for the year. We started early to beat the heat, but our efforts were useless. The weatherman lied by the way. There was no sign of 70 and breezy, it was just 95 and humid under a blazing sun. My face actually got some color, but somehow the sun missed all of the other exposed parts of my body, you know the ones that could actually use some color. Oh well. Either way, the gardens look mighty pretty now. *Thanks Mom 😉
And now here’s the part about writing. The part I was supposed to be gloating about in this post. Well I’m ashamed to admit it, but I did nothing. I opened it and docked it and re-read it several times, but I typed nothing. In truth I didn’t sit in front of the PC much this weekend, but maybe that’s because I was hiding from my writing. It was fun to have a break from a computer chair, but I really wanted to get something accomplished this weekend writing wise and I failed miserably.
What I did do though, was start reading “As you Wish” by Jackson Pearce. So convenient reading is, isn’t it? Since I feel like I will never read enough to justify myself being a writer I allow myself too much time to read sometimes, but new books taunt me so. I have to stop buying new ones for a little bit so I can resist the temptation and finally return to writing. I actually didn’t buy a book this week, but I do have a few pre-ordered that will be arriving in the coming weeks. I should tell myself I’m not allowed to read them until I get these first five chapters reduced into three. I should. I will. I just hope I listen.
Peace – Sarah
Only two people have ever offered to sacrifice their lives for you – Jesus & the US Military. Say a prayer of thanks for those who’ve already passed to protect you. Happy Memorial Day!